the blog
Semi-regular musings on all things marketing, data, product, and business.

5 questions to ask before you start an AI project
We don’t need to convince many people that data is important. We don’t even need to try very hard to convince clients they should take a data-driven approach to their strategies, implement hypothesis-based problem solving, and test/iterate their way to better outcomes.

KPIs are not enough
KPIs without a strategy or a plan don't help; if you don't have an action plan for the data you're collecting, what's the point? And not only could it result in a lot of wasted effort, it may actually steer you in the wrong direction. If you have an action plan for your KPIs (and you actually execute that plan) you’ll see results that’ll help inform your next move.

10 books and podcasts to add to your queue
Not everyone has the time or money to enroll in 12-week intensives or watch every online course on the internet, which is why we assembled our list of favorite books, podcasts, newsletters, and vibes.

Startups, we need to talk about your value proposition
Launching a product or service? Aside from endless outreach, Linkedin messages, calling in favors and networking events, you need a solid story to tell prospective clients and investors. You need a pitch deck. But if they’re so important, why do so many pitch decks...well...suck?