the blog
Semi-regular musings on all things marketing, data, product, and business.

10 books and podcasts to add to your queue
Not everyone has the time or money to enroll in 12-week intensives or watch every online course on the internet, which is why we assembled our list of favorite books, podcasts, newsletters, and vibes.

Startups, we need to talk about your value proposition
Launching a product or service? Aside from endless outreach, Linkedin messages, calling in favors and networking events, you need a solid story to tell prospective clients and investors. You need a pitch deck. But if they’re so important, why do so many pitch decks...well...suck?

Startup Bootcamp, Part 10: What's my freaking brand name?
You’ve determined who you’re up against in the marketplace and what your competitive advantage is, but what do you call yourself? What will your logo look like? Having the words “TBD Company” (even in a really clean, modern font) in the header of your landing page isn’t a recipe for success.

Startup Bootcamp, Part 7: Identify your target audience
While you may think your idea is so groundbreaking the whole world will want it, you’ll need to narrow your scope. Having a product a few people love and would recommend to their friends is much more valuable than many people who think your product is “just OK.” This is where you flesh out who you think will care about your idea..

Startup Bootcamp, Part 6: Stalk your competitors
Ever “stumble upon” the Facebook profile of the person you’re meeting later for coffee? Search for your boss’ Zillow listing? See? You’ve been preparing to stalk your competition your whole life and you didn’t even know it. Dig a little deeper to see how worthy these adversaries are and how they might impact you.

Startup Bootcamp, Part 3: The sniff test
The sniff test is an analysis using no outside research to quickly determine if your idea is worth pursuing. We explain how to get it done. And fast.